The thing is, with all this talk about us becoming role models, I am thinking very carefully about which values I want to model for the students. If I go out and buy a bunch of new clothes to wear during my practicum, I would consider that to be modeling consumerism and materialism.
I was telling some of my fellow students about how I had scrounged in my mom's closet and had some vintage blouses from the '70s to wear. Did I detect a couple of strange looks?
My practicum placement is in a middle school (grades 6-8). Students at that age are desperate to fit in and "be cool" (I remember this because I used to be that age and I wanted Roxy t shirts SO MUCH). I want to be the kind of role model that shows that confidence and self-respect have nothing to do with wearing the latest fashions. I want my dress-sense to express my sense of humour about myself and the world around me, and my desire to avoid conformity when it compromises my values. So while I will have to respect the dress codes rules and keep a kempt and modest appearance, I want to respect my own values as well.
My landlady is taking me on a shopping trip to Value Village this weekend. Apparently the VV here is awesome. And thank goodness I bought so many cute pairs of shoes before I got so concerned with personal integrity.