About this blog...

sans objet (S.O.): the French equivalent of n/a, not available (or applicable). ''Sans'' comes from a combination of the Latin words sine and absenti, which mean ''without'' and ''in the absence of'' respectively. ''Objet'' also comes from Latin ''Objectum'' meaning something thrown down or presented. That being said, I chose this blog title when I didn't know what kind of posts I would be throwing down. Now that I have written a few entries, I would say that reading my blog means joining me on an etymological adventure that starts in France (where I am currently residing) and ends with me googling definitions and translations and then rambling about it.

Monday, August 8, 2011

A painful process

I was going to compare my time in France to growing pains. As in, when much growth is undergone at one time, the body struggles to adapt, making it more painful than a slower change. This is probably true of my mental experience in France, but of course I'll never know how I would have been different had I never gone.

This isn't true of actual growing pains though. Apparently they are not associated with growth spurts, and doctors don't really know their cause. 

So you can pretty much disregard this whole post.

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