About this blog...

sans objet (S.O.): the French equivalent of n/a, not available (or applicable). ''Sans'' comes from a combination of the Latin words sine and absenti, which mean ''without'' and ''in the absence of'' respectively. ''Objet'' also comes from Latin ''Objectum'' meaning something thrown down or presented. That being said, I chose this blog title when I didn't know what kind of posts I would be throwing down. Now that I have written a few entries, I would say that reading my blog means joining me on an etymological adventure that starts in France (where I am currently residing) and ends with me googling definitions and translations and then rambling about it.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Gay Paree by Charles Bukowski

gay paree
the cafes in Paris are just like you imagine
they are:
very well-dressed people, snobs, and
the snob-waiter comes up and takes your
as if you were a 
but after you get your wine
you feel better
you begin to feel like a snob
and you give the guy at the next table
a sidelong glance
he catches you and
you twitch your nose
a bit as if you had just smelled
then you
look away.

and the food
when it arrives 
is always too mild.
the French are delicate with their

as you eat and drink
you realize that everybody is

too bad
too bad
such a lovely city
full of cowards.

then more wine brings more
Paris is the world and the world

drink to it
because of

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