About this blog...

sans objet (S.O.): the French equivalent of n/a, not available (or applicable). ''Sans'' comes from a combination of the Latin words sine and absenti, which mean ''without'' and ''in the absence of'' respectively. ''Objet'' also comes from Latin ''Objectum'' meaning something thrown down or presented. That being said, I chose this blog title when I didn't know what kind of posts I would be throwing down. Now that I have written a few entries, I would say that reading my blog means joining me on an etymological adventure that starts in France (where I am currently residing) and ends with me googling definitions and translations and then rambling about it.

Friday, September 23, 2011

Comic Sans

Disappointingly, I am not able to make this blog post in Comic Sans, but the topic is Comic Sans. The focus of my blog seems to be changing. I'm glad I specifically chose a vague name for my blog, because I seem to want to write about what ever I am thinking about, which is usually influenced by whatever I am doing. Last year I was living in France and trying to learn some French. This year I am learning about teaching.

I'm putting together a PowerPoint presentation for a lesson that I need to present for a Science Teaching Methods course. I'm going to actually teach this lesson to a grade 6 class in November as well, so I want it to be good. I had heard that using the font Comic Sans helped with reading comprehension, so I have decided to do most of the text on the slides in that font. 

I'm not a fan of Comic Sans, it's a pretty undignified typeface, but I think it will be just right for my lesson on Arthropods. 

I wanted to share this because I found it funny.


  1. When I was a kid I thought Comic Sans was THE COOLEST.

  2. Just read that monologue. I also really loved Papyrus.
